Have you heard of DCA?


Your story has made the British news, and triggered a memory of a story I’d read a few years ago – particularly in respect to your cancerous tumour being in your brain.

So I researched the article again, and found numerous claims and counter-claims. Rather than link/paste those stories – which are often “anti-pharmacutical company” in nature, I’ll link you to the Snopes page on it.

Snopes is a web-site/organisation that research into Internet rumours and chinese-whispers. They concluded that these stories aren’t without merit, but further investigation is needed. Perhaps your open web-site is an ideal forum to get this potential cure thought about in more detail.

In your particular case, this may be a good start-point for you. Quoting from the web-site I’ll link momentarily (this quote itself is from a medical paper, itself linked from the snopes web-site):

The researchers looked at the impact of DCA on tumor cells from patients with an aggressive form of brain cancer called glioblastoma, which generally does not respond well to treatment. 

They performed some very sophisticated lab experiments which demonstrated the impact of DCA on the tumor cells from 49 patients with this cancer. The experiments generally support the effectiveness of DCA at altering cell behavior.

As you can see, the research may look promising as a potential research avenue.

The link I promised is: http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/cancercure.asp

I hope you find your cure. If my information points you in even a slightly helpful direction then I’d be very happy about that.

Best wishes,

– Simon.