Ive tried all over the world to promote a cure that is not Voodoo but real it involves certain tracers ( only a few known ) with monatomic gold so small when injected it gets inside the cancer cell by the thousands and using a low radio wave which heats the gold particles and destroys only the cancer cell and not the good cells via the tracer drug the gold explodes and there by killing off the CANCER — A man that had Leukemia named John Kanzius started it all in the USA The big Drug companies dont want it theres no money in Healthy people CHEMO kills the entire body to save it this treatment only kills rogue Cancer Cells Dr. Steven Curly at the M.D. Anderson Hospital in TEXAS USA may be able to now 6 years later give treatment to you here is the main link ( Alternative Cancer Treatment – Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation ) — Also ( Low Dose Naltrexone 4.5 mg ) daily will stimulate the immune system to kill off Cancer Cells ) (http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/ ) — Regards, Brent Garven , Abbotsford, BC, Canada ( b9robot@telus.net )