My husband has undergone surgery twice for a brain tumor. 2006 low grade gluons ( gemisytic astrocytoma) grade 2 no follow up treatment. 2011 after 5 yrs or monitoring the residual tumor changed. Second surgery mixed grade 2-3. Followed w 41 days radiation and 13 mos pill form chemo. The did an interactive MRI prior to second surgery to map all motor skills. Successfully did not hit anything when they did the second removal. Got about 99%. He is monitored qrtly w MRI. Thankfully all has remained stable! He is seen by oncology at the IU med center (Methodist hospital ) in Indianapolis Indiana and the Norton Brain Institute in Louisville KY. There have been very little side effects. He returned to work within a few weeks after both surgeries. First tumor was 7cmx2cm.
May you have the success he has had, and may each day be a blessing to you.