
I am here for you! I love what you are doing. Please keep my contribution anonymous. Feel free to publish this information without attributing it to me.

India has a medical system which is 5000 years old. It’s called Ayurveda. There are treatment regimes available for a lot of common diseases which are considered incurable. For example heart blockages are considered incurable without surgery. There are double blind studies which show that Ayurvedic teachings on Arjuna Bark increases the blood-flow and can reverse blocked arteries.

Suggestion 1:

A spice I use in cooking with tumor reducing properties: Nigella Sativa.

Please read the double blind study on the anti-tumor/tumor reducing effect of these seeds. They can be mixed with bread when you back them and are non-toxic. It’s an excellent place to start.


Suggestion 2:

I found a quick link on treating Brain tumor using Ayurveda. I have not looked at double blind studies for all the ingredients listed in suggestion 2 but there should be enough information on these ayurvedic medicines on a google search.


Suggestion 3:


This Ayurvedic medicine is used along with normal modern scientific methods to reduce inflammation.

Please ensure the Ayurvedic medicines don’t contain filler material are just the pure extract of the herbs or powdered herbs as the case may be. Ayurvedic medicines are edible plant matter and have been used as such for 5000 years. When reading research material please do take note of this and use it when examining statements on limitation of liability. Eg., The toxicity of the herb has not been evaluated in long term human use is used in one of the Nigella Sativa articles. A lot of people I know including me have used this spice and other Ayurvedic food as medicine spices in our daily meals for 20 years. I am still alive and so is everyone else!

We will meet 40 years from now and you will still be vibrant and healthy! Please let me know if you want me do further research on any of the other Ayurvedic medicines. Please take care of yourself and good luck with any course of treatment you take!

Suggestion 4:

a) Brain Cancer – Ayurvedic Herbs

–Mandukaparni (Bacopa monerea)

-Kastoori Bhairav Rasa with combination of divya herbs.


Double Blind study for the same. 
