
I don’t see “fasting” in your topic list, so I’m offering it. I don’t mean long-term fasting, and I don’t mean it as “the” cure, but an augmentation to whatever plan you decide on if your current regimen does not yield progress — that is, don’t fix something that isn’t broken. There is some evidence that fasting can “harden” normal cells to the effects of chemo and sensitize tumor cells to drugs, but fasting without chemo may also provide some benefit. It hasn’t been studied, but may make some sense. Here’s a summary from the USA National Cancer Institute.

To survive in culture, many cells, including tumor cells, require insulin. It follows that if one can decrease insulin levels in the body, then tumor cells that grew in an insulin-abundant state such as is present when eating three meals a day might have a harder time growing — they might even shrink.

How does one decrease insulin? Low-carb eating and fasting. I suggest combining both by having a limited eating window (5 hours or less, as in the Fast-5 diet) with low-carb foods. Since insulin tends to matter a lot or very little for cells, I would think that with very low insulin levels maintained, one could see measurable tumor mass change within three weeks.

I’ve supported Fast-5 as a diet because it’s free and effective. It’s “open source” and very simple. If I were eating a regular eating schedule (3 meals a day) and found a tumor, it’s what I would do — among other steps.

The other aspect I’d emphasize is placebo. Belief changes things in the body in ways that seem magical. So whatever you do, find every reason you can to believe in it with all your heart and mind.

Best wishes to you, and thanks for your efforts to get medicine working for people.