
My name is Mitch Dellinger and I am a tool maker from North Carolina United States.  Over the past year I have been working on a SiO2 nanofiber to help in creating a vaccine for cancer.  I have a different belief of what cancer is.  I don’t think cancer is a monster.  I believe that cancer is actually a protein problem.

the pic below shows a prototype of a trachea.  It took about 2 mins to make this and the cost to produce would be about 1/4th of a penny.  (nanofibers are cheap to make) 




MRE11A and MDC1 to be exact.  I think that the telomere sequence contains a free radical.  Instead of TTAGGG it becomes TTAGGT or the like and does not get repaired by the proteins.  This all takes place inside the nucleus of the cell.  The cell is not the problem!  It’s the nucleus that is causing all the problems.  It basically becomes a Alzheimer’s cell.  When you see someone with Alzheimer’s disease you don’t see the problem.  The problem is inside the brain.  The person looks fine, however, he/she just ate glue and thinks their trashcan is their dog.  This is the same with a cancer cell.  The cell is fine.  The T-Cells and others of it’s like do not notice the cell, because the cell is not the problem.  It’s the nucleus!  If you look at the nucleus of a cancer cell it’s huge.  The reason for this is the telomere sequence is not correct, and it is trying to add the correct sequence.  It will never be correct because the free radical is still in the equation.  The cell will never die because guess what!  It’s the damn sequence that tells the cell to die an it’s wrong!  Not to worry, I think I have come up with a way to teach the body to kill the cells.

the pic below is of the fibers under a SEM.  This is just one size.  I can control the size, distance and thickness of the SiO2 fibers

    NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN TOOLS.  Let’s say you are the greatest builder in the world.  You just built these great big buildings and massive structures and I need you to build me a birdhouse.  When you come over to build the birdhouse, I tell you that you can’t use a hammer, nails, level, saw, screwdriver and oh by the way, we have no wood!  It doesn’t matter how smart you are you can’t do the job because you have no tools.  That’s the problem with cancer, AIDS, MS, MD, Alzheimer’s, etc…  they don’t have any tools!

    What if you had a tool smaller then nucleus of the cell.  What if you were able to grow a virus inside the tool and deliver it inside the nucleus without the cell even knowing it happened.  What if the virus was something that was already familiar to the T-Cells and the T-Cells were already trained to kill it.  What if then it forced the cell to now produce a antigen that will alert the T-Cells to it.  The T-Cells attack the cell thinking that it is one problem only to discover what the real problem is……cancer.  TaDa!  you just taught your body to kill cancer by teaching the T-Cells what cancer is.  Just a thought.

I will attach some pics of the SiO2 nanofibers.  This is what would be used to grow the virus in.  It would then be delivered into the nucleus of a cancer cell or any other cell that you wanted to manipulate the nucleus of.  You could teach your cells to do all kinds of things!  Fix stuff, make new stuff, kill stuff….etc…  You can also make 3D structures of the fibers to create a heart, kidney, lungs, liver, ears, trachea, any organ.  All organs have skeletal structures for the cells to grow in.  You could now actually grow your own organs.  I can make these fibers however you want!

    Again, I’m not a doctor of any kind.  I would be willing to work with any of your Dr’s or Dr’s anywhere that would like to work with this theory.  I can provide as many fibers as you need.  I am looking for no money or credit.  I believe in my soul that this could help you and many other people dealing with issues such as yours.  Good luck to you and I will be praying for you and your family.


Mitch Dellinger

this PDF   Nanofibers 20120514 first study is a study of the SiO2 fibers inside the body.  It shows that they can be inside someone and do no harm and viruses can grow on and inside the fibers.

I have many more pics and videos if interested
