

Here’s a copy of my email to Don MacAdam and his response, along with an article about Hyperthermia (raising body temperature) he attached. I had contacted him after hearing him on a radio broadcast being interviewed by Joe & Terry Graedon from People’s Pharmacyhttp://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2012/02/25/780-cancer-and-the-immune-system/

Don’s email address is donmacadam@mbvax.com


I’ve done some self-research on alternative cures for cancer too, and what I’ve found concurs with your research. It’s too bad the medical community is not very interested in it… I think they’ve done a disservice by ignoring the success Dr. Coley had treatingcancer more than 100 years ago. I’m sure there are a lot of lucrative products and services already in place to support debilitated life that would be disrupted… but I’m surprised insurance companies haven’t funded further exploration, since they could benefit by potentially paying less on medical claims.

Here’s a link with similar info… maybe you’re already familiar with it.



Hyperthermia increases immune system activity and can dramatically increase the effectiveness of an immune response, however by itself hyperthermia does not induce the required innate immune response.

Clinics in Germany have used hyperthermia in combination with Coley Fluid with some good results.

I attach an article.

New Scientist fever

Thanks for your kind email, much appreciated.

The Lord is our Healer…