cannabis oil

Hello Salvatore,

I read on that you are enduring some tough times right now with your health and are soliciting information on how to heal your brain cancer.  You have to be receiving a million emails suggesting different therapies, I truly hope that you find something that works for you soon.

The reason why I’m writing with my own suggestion is because I’ve heard so much about cannabis infused oil, a particular processed oil in fact, known as “Rick Simpson Oil”.  There are too many reports of people having taken Rick Simpson Oil, that are reporting reduction and even eradication of cancerous tumors.  It would be something that I would research/take if either myself or any of my loved ones acquired cancer.  I live in a state in the USA where medical marijuana is legal and accessible.  An extract from a high CBD strain is what I would try myself.  Most strains contain around 0.25%CBD whereas I know of a strain readily accessible that contains a CBD value of over 5.0 percent which is EXTREMELY high for either Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica.  The hypothesis is that the higher the CBD content, the more effective the medicine.

Read this article and the references for which it cites:

If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.