ketogenic diet

I’m an open source hacker, and for the last few years I’ve been

researching cancer in my “copious spare time”. Two years ago I learned

that a fellow Python programmer of my acquaintance had inoperable

astrocytoma and was doomed to die. I told him about the cancer

treatment that I had been reading about, which is a diet called

“ketogenic diet”. In practice, what that meant was eating nothing but

meat. This was a big step for this guy, since he had been a vegetarian

for a long time. Anyway, he tried it, and he encountered a rare and

wonderful remission of the disease. He’s still alive and kicking

today, and last time I asked him he said he had no symptoms.

Now, in the paragraph above, I avoided stating that the intervention

was what *caused* the remission, because we can’t tell that from just

one case. It could have been luck. Also, even if the ketogenic diet

did save that guy’s life, the same intervention might not save yours.

But, there is some plausible physiological reasons to think that a

keto diet might help against cancer, and there are some mouse studies,

and a couple of “case studies” published in the medical literature in

which a couple of other people experienced a miraculous remission from

brain cancer soon after starting the ketogenic diet. So, there might

be something to it!

Now, one of the researchers who is leading the investigation into this

happens to be Italian. Let me see his name…

Here’s his contact info, which I copied from a paper named “Metabolic

management of glioblastoma multiforme using standard therapy together

with a restricted ketogenic diet: Case Report”:

Correspondence:, Radiology

Department, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio E. 42100, Italy

I’ve exchanged email with Dr. Zuccoli, I think… Let’s see, no he

never wrote back, but two of his co-authors did. Anyway, I could try

contacting him, or his co-authors (notable Dr. Thomas Seyfried) if you

think it would help.
