globlastoma and doctors

Dear Salvatore,

March 27, 2003 I had a total resection of what turned out to be a malignant, grade IV glioblastoma multiforme.  At the time the historical statistics indicated something on the order of a 95% mortality rate within 12 months and that if you made it three years you were considered a long term survivor.  I have followed a certain regimen but I would make no claims that it or any of the methods employed to fight this contributed to my survival to date, just that I must have presumably done something to have lasted this long.  I recently had some MRIs and they have been negative.  I will say that my encounters of late with medical professionals have been disheartening because of the high degree of skepticism with which I am treated, that is until they run yet another pathology test on the tissue samples that I retain and look at the MRIs.  I no longer see a doctor.  In the past I have tried to reach out to others similarly afflicted in an effort to offer whatever value my experience might impart but have never received any interest.  I make this offer to you and wish you good luck in your journey.